EIL-CAM https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com Cameroon Experiment in International Living Federation Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:34:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-EIL-CAM-LOGO-long-32x32.png EIL-CAM https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com 32 32 Child Sponsorship https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/child-sponsorship/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/child-sponsorship/#respond Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:34:48 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=1306
What is child sponsorship?
Sponsoring a child is a wonderful way to help change the life of a child in need and bring hope to his or her entire community. By becoming a sponsor you will provide desperately needed opportunities to children with incredible potential. In addition, you will be making a personal investment, building a relationship with your God and beneficiary and his or her family, and joining a family of “life-givers” around the world who share your commitment to change the world, one child at a time.
The impact even small donations can make to a child and his or her family in Cameron in which we operate is enormous. The average cost to send one Cameron child to school (fees, uniforms, books, school supplies, etc,) for ages 5 to 12 is only $100, and around $200 for ages 13 to 18. For many families in Cameron, where the average household income is less than $1.50 a day, these expenses can be overwhelming, leading to kids starting school later in their lives and/or dropping out of school completely.
The world’s future leaders are today’s children and youth, and Africa is not an exception. Many families and schools in Cameron do not have the needed resources to ensure that the children are able to attend school and graduate, as well as receive a quality education. We are reinforcing and boosting education by providing the badly-needed supporting structure and resources. This includes the provision of scholarships, uniforms, and school supplies.
In many instances, due to persistent and conflicting demands that families face daily, the education of children is given lower priority in terms of family needs. In some instances to help ensure that the kids stay in school, we ensure that school needs are taking care of by directly paying for school fees, sewing uniforms / distribute school supplies etc
Thanks for your kindness and generosity.
https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/child-sponsorship/feed/ 0 1306
Rekindling Lives Through the EIL-CAM Project: Supporting Formerly Homeless Individuals in Building a Secure Future https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/rekindling-lives-through-the-eil-cam-project-supporting-formerly-homeless-individuals-in-building-a-secure-future/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/rekindling-lives-through-the-eil-cam-project-supporting-formerly-homeless-individuals-in-building-a-secure-future/#respond Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:17:43 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=1278 At the heart of the “EIL-CAM” project is a deeply compassionate mission—to empower formerly homeless individuals to not only rebuild their lives but to become so connected to their new homes that they never wish to return to the streets. Launched at the beginning of the year, this initiative is dedicated to providing long-term support to a fragile and vulnerable group of people who have endured severe hardship.

The goal is clear: to ensure that these individuals never fall back into homelessness. Their journey to recovery, both physically and mentally, requires consistent and tailored care to help them adjust to their new environment. Many of the people who benefit from EIL-CAM have lived disconnected from the ordinary world for extended periods. Their past experiences have left them with deep psychological and physical scars that make reintegration challenging.

To bolster the launch of this project and provide the necessary support for these individuals, we are seeking $18,312.76 through our crowdfunding campaign, aptly named “Rekindle Their Flame of Life.” Every contribution will go toward strengthening the foundation of this critical initiative, ensuring that those rehoused receive the care, attention, and guidance they need to stay grounded and avoid a return to the streets.

Formerly homeless individuals remain at risk of losing their bearings, despite being rehoused. Through continued community engagement, access to healthcare, counseling, and stable housing, EIL-CAM aims to prevent relapse and foster a sense of belonging. With your help, we can transform lives and give hope to those who need it most. Join us in rekindling their flame of life—your support makes all the difference.

https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/rekindling-lives-through-the-eil-cam-project-supporting-formerly-homeless-individuals-in-building-a-secure-future/feed/ 0 1278
The Power of Small Acts: How a Refugee Community Helped Us Make a Big Impact https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/the-power-of-small-acts-how-a-refugee-community-helped-us-make-a-big-impact/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/the-power-of-small-acts-how-a-refugee-community-helped-us-make-a-big-impact/#respond Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:16:23 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=1275 Great—yes, I say great because it truly is. I want to quickly draw your attention to something remarkable that happened during my last back-to-school campaign. It might surprise you, but it’s a powerful truth. What we achieved was not just luck or coincidence; it was the result of a simple, heartfelt plan born out of good intentions.

We were supported by a refugee community, people who themselves face incredible challenges. They donated small amounts—tiny coins that, at first glance, may have seemed insignificant. But as these contributions came together, they added up, ultimately becoming the exact amount we needed to buy school supplies like pencils and rulers. It was humbling to witness how these small acts of generosity made such a huge difference.

This experience is a reminder to all of us: never underestimate the power of giving, no matter how small. As we enter the giving season once again, I encourage you to think about how even the smallest gestures can change lives. A single spoon for a family in need may seem like a small thing to you, but for that family, it could mean everything.

The season of giving is here, and thankfully, so are you. What will you do about it? Will you join us, just as that refugee community did, by offering even a few coins? Don’t hold back—there are people who need just one small item, like an eating spoon, that you can provide. Don’t focus on your financial situation; instead, think of the impact that one small gesture can have on a family in need.

Your small act of kindness could be the greatest gift they receive this season.

https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/the-power-of-small-acts-how-a-refugee-community-helped-us-make-a-big-impact/feed/ 0 1275
Education and Training for the Youth, Especially in Rural Areas https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/education-and-training-for-the-youth-especially-in-rural-areas/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/education-and-training-for-the-youth-especially-in-rural-areas/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 05:22:44 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=588 Education is the cornerstone of EIL-CAM’s efforts to empower youth and break the cycle of poverty. The organization recognizes that rural youth often face significant barriers to accessing quality education and training opportunities.

Formal Education Support:

  • Providing scholarships to help rural students continue their formal education
  • Partnering with local schools to improve infrastructure and resources
  • Advocating for better educational policies that address rural-urban disparities

Informal Education and Vocational Training:

  • Organizing skill-building workshops tailored to local economic needs
  • Providing apprenticeship opportunities with local artisans and businesses
  • Developing mobile learning programs to reach remote areas

Life Skills Education:

  • Conducting workshops on financial literacy, communication, and leadership
  • Organizing peer-to-peer learning sessions on critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Integrating technology literacy to prepare youth for the digital economy

By investing in both formal and informal education, EIL-CAM aims to equip rural youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to secure employment, start businesses, and contribute to their communities’ development.

https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/education-and-training-for-the-youth-especially-in-rural-areas/feed/ 0 588
Health Care Promotion Among Youth at Risk https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/health-care-promotion-among-youth-at-risk/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/health-care-promotion-among-youth-at-risk/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 05:19:32 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=583 EIL-CAM recognizes that health issues significantly impact young people’s ability to thrive. The organization takes a holistic approach to health care promotion, addressing both physical and mental health concerns.

Sexual and Reproductive Health:

  • Providing comprehensive sex education to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STIs
  • Offering confidential counseling services for youth
  • Distributing contraceptives and promoting family planning

Mental Health Support:

  • Training community health workers to recognize and address mental health issues
  • Organizing support groups for youth dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Implementing anti-stigma campaigns to encourage open discussions about mental health

Substance Abuse Prevention:

  • Conducting awareness campaigns on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse
  • Offering rehabilitation support and referrals for youth struggling with addiction
  • Promoting healthy lifestyle choices through sports and recreational activities

General Health and Nutrition:

  • Organizing regular health check-ups and vaccination drives
  • Educating youth on proper nutrition and its impact on overall well-being
  • Implementing school feeding programs to combat malnutrition

Through these initiatives, EIL-CAM aims to create a generation of health-conscious youth who can lead longer, more productive lives.

https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/health-care-promotion-among-youth-at-risk/feed/ 0 583
Socio-economic Development https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/socio-economic-development/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/socio-economic-development/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 05:17:25 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=582 EIL-CAM is committed to fostering sustainable economic growth that benefits both individuals and communities. The organization takes a multi-faceted approach to socio-economic development.

Entrepreneurship Support:

  • Providing microloans and grants to youth-led startups
  • Offering business planning and management training
  • Facilitating mentorship programs connecting young entrepreneurs with experienced business leaders

Agricultural Modernization:

  • Introducing sustainable farming techniques to increase productivity
  • Providing training on crop diversification and value addition
  • Connecting rural farmers with urban markets through cooperatives

Environmental Sustainability:

  • Promoting eco-friendly practices in business and agriculture
  • Organizing community-led environmental conservation projects
  • Educating youth on climate change and its local impacts

Community Development:

  • Facilitating the creation of youth-led community organizations
  • Supporting infrastructure projects like clean water access and renewable energy
  • Encouraging youth participation in local governance and decision-making processes

By focusing on holistic socio-economic development, EIL-CAM aims to create resilient communities where young people can thrive and contribute to sustainable growth.

https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/socio-economic-development/feed/ 0 582
Care and Support for OVCs (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/care-and-support-for-ovcs-orphans-and-vulnerable-children/ https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/care-and-support-for-ovcs-orphans-and-vulnerable-children/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 05:15:51 +0000 https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/?p=579 EIL-CAM places special emphasis on supporting the most vulnerable members of society, particularly orphans and vulnerable children. The organization’s approach is comprehensive, addressing both immediate needs and long-term development.

Basic Needs Support:

  • Providing food, clothing, and shelter to OVCs through community-based care
  • Ensuring access to healthcare and essential medications
  • Supporting educational expenses including school fees, uniforms, and supplies

Psychosocial Support:

  • Offering counseling services to help OVCs cope with trauma and loss
  • Organizing support groups and recreational activities to foster social connections
  • Training caregivers and community members to provide emotional support

Legal Protection:

  • Advocating for the rights of OVCs at local and national levels
  • Assisting with birth registration and other essential documentation
  • Providing legal aid to protect OVCs from exploitation and abuse

Integration and Empowerment:

  • Developing life skills programs tailored to the unique needs of OVCs
  • Creating mentorship opportunities to provide positive role models
  • Supporting transition programs for older OVCs to achieve independence

Support for Children with Disabilities:

  • Organizing forums to raise awareness about the challenges faced by disabled children
  • Providing specialized equipment and therapies to enhance mobility and independence
  • Advocating for inclusive education and employment opportunities
https://eil-cam.iiglobe.com/care-and-support-for-ovcs-orphans-and-vulnerable-children/feed/ 0 579