The Power of Small Acts: How a Refugee Community Helped Us Make a Big Impact

The Power of Small Acts: How a Refugee Community Helped Us Make a Big Impact

Great—yes, I say great because it truly is. I want to quickly draw your attention to something remarkable that happened during my last back-to-school campaign. It might surprise you, but it’s a powerful truth. What we achieved was not just luck or coincidence; it was the result of a simple, heartfelt plan born out of good intentions.

We were supported by a refugee community, people who themselves face incredible challenges. They donated small amounts—tiny coins that, at first glance, may have seemed insignificant. But as these contributions came together, they added up, ultimately becoming the exact amount we needed to buy school supplies like pencils and rulers. It was humbling to witness how these small acts of generosity made such a huge difference.

This experience is a reminder to all of us: never underestimate the power of giving, no matter how small. As we enter the giving season once again, I encourage you to think about how even the smallest gestures can change lives. A single spoon for a family in need may seem like a small thing to you, but for that family, it could mean everything.

The season of giving is here, and thankfully, so are you. What will you do about it? Will you join us, just as that refugee community did, by offering even a few coins? Don’t hold back—there are people who need just one small item, like an eating spoon, that you can provide. Don’t focus on your financial situation; instead, think of the impact that one small gesture can have on a family in need.

Your small act of kindness could be the greatest gift they receive this season.


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